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Samy & Mury's Pet Community pets events forum fun & interesting photo contest video contest Log in Register

Home jutka19470329 Lulu



Dog, Bichon Bolognese

Name: Lulu

Age: 17 years 11 months

Owner name: jutka19470329

Story: I'm an adorable old doggie . I sleep a lot, I have a kitty brother, but we still love each other . ❤️ Translated from...... more


I'm an adorable old doggie . I sleep a lot, I have a kitty brother, but we still love each other . ❤️ Translated from Hungarian



Peaceful Merry Christmas

Written by: Lulu We wish you a peaceful and Merry Christmas🌲😘 🌲Ervin Aranyosi: Christmas for EveryoneMay love move into every home from today!It brings hearts to a joyful fever!Even if our holiday passes, let love remain,Let every giving heart give of its goodness!Le 23 December 2022. 20:09:10

Happy Santa Claus dear friends

Written by: Lulu László Devecsery: Santa Claus is comingSanta Claus is coming fastOver his head a great cloud of snow.Reindeer are pulling his sleigh,Snow laces his fur.He wears a fat putto on his shoulder,Snowflakes on his beardWhen he comes to you,Your shoes will b 06 December 2022. 06:34:52


Written by: Lulu Lulu is 17 years and 3 months old today ❤ Stay with us for a long time ❤ ❤ True, she is not so fit anymore, she doesn't play with Bakancsos anymore, she is not so scurryy as she was when she was young, but we still love her 🙂 ❤Our dogs know us - 30 August 2022. 19:29:43


Written by: Lulu Boldog Születésnapot LulukánkDrága kicsi Tündérkirálylányunk ❤Ma pont 17 éve, hogy világra jöttél, amit a család már nagy izgalommal várt. Aztán nagyon hosszú két hónap következett mire érted mehettünk És végre eljött a nap, hogy elindultunk Budaörsr 29 May 2022. 19:19:11


Top New Old
jutka19470329 18 January 2022
Dear Boniface ! Thanks to the doctors and the owners I'm fine now 🙂 Yesterday the doctor took out the rest of the stitches, next week I can go to the cosmetic, which you know I don't like very much 😍 But old girls have to give their looks 😍 Kisses my dear love, Bonifacio and to mommy we send a million kisses with love 😍❤️ Translated from Hungarian

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