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Samy & Mury's Pet Community pets events forum fun & interesting photo contest video contest Log in Register

Home Micha Tawny



Cat, American Shorthair

Name: Tawny Topaz

Age: 9 years 11 months 4 days

Owner name: Micha

Story: I was a stray cat who was abandoned by previous owners. My actual age was unknown, so my humans celebrated my birthday the day they first took me in. I was originally from Plantation, Florida and moved to Oklahoma with my humans. I lived with my...... more


I was a stray cat who was abandoned by previous owners. My actual age was unknown, so my humans celebrated my birthday the day they first took me in. I was originally from Plantation, Florida and moved to Oklahoma with my humans. I lived with my humans for almost 10 years and I know it hurt them when I crossed the rainbow bridge. I've reunited with two of them already and I know one day, Micha will be with me again.


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