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Samy & Mury's Pet Community pets events forum fun & interesting photo contest video contest Log in Register

Home Steph Frith Sooty



Cat, British Shorthair

Name: Sooty

Age: 1 year 1 month 25 days

Owner name: Steph Frith

Story: Rescued from a school. There is a cat who lives at the school, this year she had a litter of 6. Unfortunately someone took one of the kittens when they were only 5 weeks old. This caused mum to take off and leave the rest behind. They were all...... more


Rescued from a school. There is a cat who lives at the school, this year she had a litter of 6. Unfortunately someone took one of the kittens when they were only 5 weeks old. This caused mum to take off and leave the rest behind. They were all caught and I adopted 2 Sooty and Sweep. They were 6 weeks old and very small. They are thriving now, I have only had them for 2 weeks but am absolutely smitten 🐾🥰💕



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