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Samy & Mury's Pet Community
pets events forum fun & interesting photo contest video contest Log in Register

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Samy & Mury's Pet Community pets events forum fun & interesting photo contest video contest Log in Register

Home Szilágyi Bernadett

Szilágyi Bernadett


Recent events

Picur uploaded some new pictures 16 May
Szilágyi Bernadett entered the tongue sticking out photo contest! Image 22 April
Picur uploaded a new video Image 3 April
Picur uploaded some new pictures 2 April
Szilágyi Bernadett and Administrator became friends 2 April
Picur uploaded a new video Image 14 October 2023
Szilágyi Bernadett entered the Strange sleeping positions photo contest! Image 11 June 2023
Picur uploaded a new picture Image 27 May 2023
Picur uploaded a new picture Image 27 May 2023
Picur uploaded a new picture Image 20 May 2023
Szilágyi Bernadett entered the Best photo of my pet photo contest! Image 14 May 2023
Picur uploaded a new picture Image 10 May 2023
Picur uploaded some new pictures 8 May 2023
Szilágyi Bernadett entered the Spring time photo contest! Image 8 May 2023
Picur uploaded a new picture Image 8 May 2023
Picur uploaded a new picture Image 8 May 2023
Picur uploaded a new profile picture Image 8 May 2023
Szilágyi Bernadett created Picur! 8 May 2023

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If someone is in immediate danger, call the local emergency services. Don't wait. We can only review issues in a matter of hours or days!